Donate to Save Our Ocean!
Our planet depends on a healthy ocean. In fact, every second breath we take comes from the ocean! Today, roughly 2.7% of our life giving ocean is fully protected and that is not enough. That's why we advocate for marine protected areas in places like the seamounts off the coast of California. Seamounts are hotspots of biodiversity in the oceans, home to ancient and fragile deep-sea corals, octopuses and fishes. The waters above seamounts are teeming with sharks, seabirds and marine mammals. Your support will protect these special places and other Blue Sparks around the world.
Our decades of experience in ocean conservation have shown us that establishing protection is just the first step and that we need to invest in stewardship, monitoring and enforcement. This is why we launched Blue Parks. Blue Parks incentivize strong ocean protection around the world that allow marine life to rebound. In the face of unprecedented climate change and escalating human impacts our goal is to ensure strong protection for at least 30% of the ocean by 2030. Our Blue Parks initiative is a science-based strategy to recover marine life and ensure climate resilient marine ecosystems. To better assess and understand global conservation efforts, we also built the most comprehensive online database, the Marine Protection Atlas.
You can follow our efforts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or by signing up for our monthly newsletter: https://marine-conservation.org/news/newsletter/
When you donate to Marine Conservation Institute, you'll join a growing team dedicated to saving the ocean! Every dollar goes towards one of our projects that help ensure our blue planet can thrive for future generations. Make a difference, combat climate change and donate today!
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