Your recent donation means a lot to us—thank you! The ocean needs us, and we need it. Gifts like yours help fund strong, science-based marine protection. With your support, the team at Marine Conservation Institute is:
-Building a global network of Blue Parks—the best marine protected areas (MPAs) in the world.
-Collaborating with Blue Sparks—promising MPAs which, with the right resources and blueprints for success, will be tomorrow’s leaders in marine conservation.
-Maintaining our Marine Protection Atlas—the world’s most comprehensive MPA database—so that the global conservation community has transparent information and a common language for setting marine protection goals in the pivotal years ahead.
-Guiding and advocating for robust marine policy that will truly protect the ocean for us and future generations.
-Defending seamounts off the coast of California and beyond (check out our amazing series of short videos revealing the wonders of these volcanic underwater ecosystems):

Your gift is not only an act of compassion; it is also a smart investment in the future of our world. A growing body of science shows that MPAs are among the simplest and strongest tools for saving biodiversity and fighting climate change. With your help, Marine Conservation Institute is working to ensure that we can turn that science into action.
Last, we really love hearing from our community. In fact, answering our 3-minute donor survey is one of the most valuable things you can do for our organization. Could you take a short moment to fill it out here?
With gratitude,

Lance Morgan, PhD
P.S. Be our friend! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest ocean stories, marine science news, and opportunities to engage firsthand with ocean protection. 🐳 🌊
This receipt certifies this donation as a charitable contribution and that you are not receiving any goods or services in return. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Marine Conservation Institute is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt charity under section 501[c][3] of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Federal Tax Identification Number is 91-1725640.